Posted in The Crafts

Game: Scavenger Hunt


  • Sealed letter for each group

Time: 40 minutes

How to do it:

  • Create sealed letters, it can be different/same for each group, something similar to this: “Greetings, people. Our King has come down with a horrible disease, the likes of which I have seen only twice before. Luckily, the second time I came up with a cure. You are to find me the ingredients for this medicine: 21 green leafs, 5 dry leafs, a dead bug, 1 piece of garbage, 1 rock, 1 bottle, 1 piece of wood and 1 piece of paper. Return to your base with as many of these as you can within 20 minutes of reading this or I fear the worst. Good luck! (Signed), The Witch Doctor.”
  • Each group receives the sealed letters
  • If they don’t return to the base in 20 minutes, they will be disqualified.
  • They will receive 1 point for each item found.